Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 3, Saturday March 21: Blythe, CA to Wickenburg, AZ

Miles Today: 112 Total Miles: 337 Ascent: Mild Temp: 70s Time: 8 hrs 40 min
Average Speed: 15.6 MPH

After quickly striking camp, we headed down main street Blythe in search of McDonald's pancakes. However, we stopped at the Lions annual pancake breakfast. The city manager happened to be sitting at our table and he (Butch) dragged Don to the front of the hall to tell the fellow Lions about Coast to Coast for Kids. They then held a spontaneous collection, raising $345 for Verde Valley Young Life. Small town hospitality and generosity is very much alive in Blythe, CA!!
Blythe Lions Pancake Breakfast
Just in case we became too puffed up with celebrity status, Don started the day with a flat tire!! Off on the road again, with temps a little gentler, there was a tail wind that helped Don achieve the 2500 ft ascent to Wickenburg. Along the way, we passed through Hope, AZ. Hopefully the words on the roadway sign are not prophetic.

What happened to Old Fashioned Good Grammar?

We stayed overnight with members of the Community Alliance Church in Wickenburg. Ah, bliss!! A hot shower and soft bed and a great welcome from Roy and Ruth. We really enjoyed our time together.

Yours on the Road,
Don and Penny


Unknown said...

Hello Don and Penny,
Only received your first email. Then I found the blog address and caught up on your adventuure. Will check everyday as we live vicariously through your journey. All our best. Looking forward to sharing a celebratory glass of wine upon your return.

Ray and Fran

davidiacono said...

You are a inspiration to us all. It's great to follow your progress from the comforts of my couch. May the wind always be at your back. Keep the pedals churning Moose. I've got to find that darn remote now.


Anonymous said...

Finally, an update! So glad to hear how things are going. Already you have some great memories and wonderful stories. We think about you every day and love ya both!

Steve and Anna

Unknown said...

Hi Mum/Don,
Do you hurt yet, Don?
just a note - I've just had 2 publications in the BMJ that are getting some pretty decent press coverage over here.

Carpenter LM, Linsell L, Brooks C, Keegan TJ, Langdon T, Doyle P, et al. Cancer morbidity in British military veterans participating in chemical warfare agent experiments at Porton Down: cohort study. BMJ 2009;338:b655.

Venables KM, Brooks C, Linsell L, Keegan TJ, Langdon T, et al. Mortality in British military participants in human experimental research into chemical warfare agents at Porton Down: cohort study. BMJ 2009;338:b613.