Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 18 - Sunday April 4: Comstock, TX to Montell, TX

Miles Today: 98 Total Miles: 1,366 Terrain: Generally downhill
Temp: 51 lo; 84 hi Time: 7 hrs 15 min.

After a much needed rest day, we arose early and began the ride just after sunrise. What a glorious Palm Sunday morning! And the wind was steady at my back!

This early start enabled us to cover 45 miles before a break to attend Palm Sunday worship service in a small Southern Baptist Church in Bracketville, TX. We were made to feel very welcome, and were invited to stay for a potluck lunch. Wonderful food and good conversation with many of the folk there.

Back on the road, we headed towards Montell, which is so small it is seldom shown on any maps. We noted the distinct change in vegetation from what we had seen over the first several days in West Texas. Now there were more trees and flowing creeks, although there were some dried up ones as well.

Dried up Bed of River Nueces

Don spent most of the day riding on Farm Road 334: hilly, no shoulders, and rough chip rock surface. Not a smooth ride, but the trusty pit crew kept this rider on his way!

Pit Crew: No gas or tire change, just water, bananas, and butt cream!

We had arranged to spend the night with Alice, who lives in Montell, and who happens to be the sister of Liz, who hosted us for two nights in Alpine and Sanderson. She too has the gift of hospitality! Alice is an RN, but she and her siblings are also experienced ranchers, operating a working ranch near Sanderson. Their family have ranched in West Texas for several generations. Note the magnificent oak trees in Alice's front yard (Penny says garden). Thank you Alice for giving us the run of your home and the enjoyable visit.

Chez Alice in Montell

Yours on the Road,

Don and Penny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos!!!!!

Feel like I'm there with ya!