Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 38 - Saturday April 24: Gainesville,FL to Summerfield, FL

Miles Today: 60. Total Miles: 2,922. Miles Remaining: 115.
Conditions: Warm and Sunny.Headwind. Terrain: Flat
Time on the Road: 6 hrs.

The day started with a breakfast party given by our hosts, Barb and Eric, who had invited various Young Life volunteer leaders, committee members, and friends. Needless to say, we didn't get an early start, but really enjoyed this time with them.

Thank you Gainesville for a really Great Visit

Today's ride was to take us on a detour south by 60 miles to Summerfield to visit the parents of Kevin, our YL Area Director in Verde Valley. Obviously Don was feeling a bit apprehensive about riding his malfunctioning bike, which, coupled with a stiff headwind, would prove to be challenging on the bike. However the roads were smooth and flat, and with only a relatively short distance to cover, he was optimistic. Besides which, he knew that tomorrow would be very welcome a rest day, after 9 consecutive days in the saddle!

After a tough 50 miles and nearly to our destination, Penny noted a roadside sign advertising a bike shop. Planning on getting a minor adjustment to the one gear configuration to make the pedaling easier, Don pulled in. The mechanic (Shannon) said he thought he could fix the problem and would like to try. And to our amazement, he solved the problem! Within an hour, Don was back on the road with a smoothly performing bike.....and absolutely jubilant! Penny thinks this is an answer to prayer (thank you Pastor Paul). And many thanks to Shannon of Santos Bike Shop. You have made the prospect of riding the last 115 miles to St. Augustine much more appealing!

Shannon, Genius Bike Mechanic

Now we are really flying to reach our destination! And what a wonderful welcome we received from Chris and Christa Curtis. They have a beautiful home in an active community, which is equipped with all sorts of sporting facilities, country club amenities, and lavish landscaping. We joined some of their friends after dinner for a party!

Yours resting on the Road,

Don and Penny

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